Weekly Round Up #21 : Floods and power cuts - just another week in my 2017

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This week has been CRAZY. The rain has almost seemed well-nigh apocalyptic at times and we've had power cuts galore. Not only that my not so busy week turned into... well, busy and therefore I haven't been getting around to visiting all the blogs I want to visit! We've been luckier than some as I know some parts that have had no electricity for days on end...

I've had the strangest reading week - I think I've been in a reading slump... Nothing looks good and I haven't been able to pick up anything I'm excited for - even Rebel of the Sands!!! Book burn out? I hope not! Hopefully I can get out of this funk soon! I think it's a weird hangover after reading and thoroughly enjoying The Wrath and the Dawn and then The Rose and the Dagger and then An Ember in the Ashes! I'm trying to hold off buying A Torch Against the Night because my schedule really can't handle it right now...
What I read last week:
I finished this one early in the week and I loved this book. I can't wait to pick up the sequel but as I mentioned, I'm trying not to even buy it yet because my will power is awful.
What I am currently reading:

I'm supposed to be reading all of these and yet I've only managed one page of Rebel of the Sands (I think it's the book hangover and I can't imagine investing myself in another world yet), I haven't been able to get back into Black Snow (for some reason even something I was enjoying isn't even appealing). The Second Twin is the fourth book in a children's fantasy series I've been reading for review and finally I've found something I can read. Hopefully once I finish that one I'll be reset.
Up Next:
I've been excited for Six of Crows for a long time and I still want to read the Grisha trilogy. The Black Lotus is a review copy that I have two books of and need to read soon soon soon!
New Arrivals:
Nothing new for review this week - which is great since my reading has been so slow! Now just to keep myself from making any more requests until I catch up a bit!
Around the Blogosphere:
Grace @ Rebel Mommy Book Blog talks about Why She Hates Starting New Books
The Blog Squad published Part III of our collaborative discussion posts:

And that's my week! How did yours go?
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