The Wrap Up: January Edition
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Whoops.... I kind of missed a December wrap up (travels) any January posts (not entirely my fault as I'll explain below) and I haven't blog hopped in what feels like forever. Sorry guys. This year is putting me through the wringer already and I've had vast changes in my life so I'm still trying to find some time and space for blogging and other bookish hobbies in my life!
So 2019 has been a year full of changes - the small one has started preschool and is going to school five days a week. I'm completely ignoring the fact that next year she's off to grade one. Nope. She's still two years old, isn't she?
On top of the new schedule we're also spending the school week and some weekends in our second home which is about three hours away from everything that came before. It's been a transition getting used to being in a different town as well as getting into the swing of all the school activities and after school activities. My little one has picked up swimming, gymnastics and ballet and isn't prepared to stop any one of them for the time being so we're kind of run off our feet!
I've also been trying to create a new workout schedule since my gym and gym buddies are three hours away now! Carving out time for yourself when there's so much extra going on with the kid can be super tough.
ANYWAYS... We also had quite an exciting time here a couple of weeks ago with nation wide stay-aways going a bit awry (I wont get into the politics!!!) and in short we spent a lot of time with either our Internet completely turned off or our access severely restricted. Interesting times. Not so conducive to blogging or any social media posting I'm afraid!
HOWEVER I AM HERE NOW. I have a lot of reviews to catch up on, a lot of blogs to catch up on and I'm excited to see what everyone is raving about at the moment (King of Scars anyone??? ;) )
So without any further ramblings, here's my two month round up:
What I read:

I've actually managed a good solid amount of books in the past couple of months! I've also had some lovely buddy reads. Now just to catch up on the reveiws....
What I am currently reading:

I'm making my way through an ARC of Sherwood (a gender-bent Robin Hood retelling) and I'm buddy reading The Winner's Trilogy and also rereading (with buddies!) the books in The Guild Codex: Spellbound.
Up Next:

I need to reread every book in the Grishaverse in preparation for my read of King of Scars.... And I'll be picking up book two in the Kate Daniels series soon.
New Arrivals:
Reading Progress:

So far my reading goals are ON TRACK! Yay! I need to stay on top of this though as I fell behind last year and ended a few books short.

So far no rereads from this reread fanatic! But wait for it. They're coming!

How was your month? Did you hit your reading goals? Did anything noteworthy happen? Have we read any of the same books?
Talk to me in the comments below!