Weekly Round Up #23 : Another slow reading week

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Well, another week done and dusted and again not too much read from my side. I finally managed to get a review up yesterday so that's a plus!
Off the blog I've been ridiculously busy which is eating into my reading time a lot. Hopefully I'll still be able to catch up to my reading goal this year - I'm 7 books behind schedule to meet my goal of 100 for the year! Does anyone else absolutely HATE seeing that number on Goodreads? If I'm ahead I can breathe easy - but behind stresses me out.
Off the blog I've been ridiculously busy which is eating into my reading time a lot. Hopefully I'll still be able to catch up to my reading goal this year - I'm 7 books behind schedule to meet my goal of 100 for the year! Does anyone else absolutely HATE seeing that number on Goodreads? If I'm ahead I can breathe easy - but behind stresses me out.
What I read last week:
Rebel of the Sands was awesome! Totally recommend it and I can't wait to read the sequel.
What I am currently reading:
Up Next:
New Arrivals:
Another week of no requesting! Yay me!!! Now just to catch up on the READING!

And that's my week! How did yours go?
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