Weekly Round Up #28 : Happy Easter Everyone!!

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Happy Easter everyone! I hope you are all having a lovely weekend. We have consumed far too much chocolate already and hopefully will actually get around to having a proper meal for dinner. The Easter bunny was very generous this year and we're all in a sort of chocolate coma!
What I read last week:

Red Winter surprised me by being almost a 5 star read. I really enjoyed it and once I finished that one I simply devoured the other two books (both five stars for me) by opening them up in the evening and just reading through the night! It's been a LONG time since a series has consumed me so entirely and I really enjoyed being sucked into that Japanese based fantasy world. The only problem now is the very serious book hangover that I've now sunk into...
What I am currently reading:
Up Next:

I'll be buddy reading Six of Crows with Amy from A Magical World of Words and I can't wait! This should be enough to suck me out of my book hangover, right??
New Arrivals:

And that's my week! How did yours go?
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