The Wrap Up: September Edition
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I try to link all book covers to Goodreads or to my review (if there is one) which is in turn linked to Goodreads.
Gosh, less than three months left until the end of the year!? Seriously?
I've just got back from a few weeks with my family in Australia - we holidayed at my old childhood holiday retreat by the beach and I was thrilled to be able to share that with my own daughter. I also met my new baby cousin (who is so freaking CUTE!!!) and just pretty much chilled out. It meant that I did no blogging, no reading and barely any bookstagramming, but #WORTHIT. We all need to take the time off when we need it!
What I read:
I managed to tick off three books from my Throne of Glass reread (and OMG I'm still so in love with this series and so hooked on these chracters!) plus I got through three review copies. It wasn't as much as I wanted to read, however with all my travelling and catching up with family I'm not displeased.
What I am currently reading:
Tower of Dawn is my last book before Kingdom of Ash releases this month! #TooMuchExcitement!
Up Next:
New Arrivals:
Reading Progress:
How was your month? Did you hit your reading goals? Did anything noteworthy happen? Have we read any of the same books?
Talk to me in the comments below!