The Blog Squad: A Blogger Collaboration - Part XIX
We are a group of three book bloggers situated on different continents but brought together by our love for books and a penchant for talking about them. We’ve joined our forces to create a collaborative series of posts about book blogging and we hope you’ll enjoy the discussions.

Do you read other commenter’s responses on discussion posts before making your own comment?

Sometimes through comments on others’ blogs, I’ve discovered new blogs and made new friends! For example I discovered Lindsey and Cait through Di’s blog! I love their blogs so much and I’m so glad I found them! Reading the comments on others’ blogs is a great way of getting to know many a people’s thoughts on books I love and discussions I enjoy.
I admit I don’t really. Sometimes I will, but I usually just skim the other comments unless one particularly catches my eye.
I’m much more likely to do what Uma does, though: visit the commenters and check out their blogs. The majority of my discovering blogs has come from tracing commenters from their comment profiles to their blogs. I love doing that! And I’ve discovered some amazing blogs that way.

Have you ever responded to a comment on someone else's blog?

I have mostly done that with our Blog Squad posts where the comments are actually directed at me but otherwise I don’t think I have responded to others’ comments on someone else’s blog. I would like to though, especially on discussion posts that interest me but I’m kind of scared to do so! I do hope I’ll foray into that soon because as Di says, that’s what discussion posts are all about right?
No I don’t think I have. But if it’s a comment on one of Di or Uma’s Blog Squad posts, and if it’s directed specifically at me, then I will.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with people replying to the occasional comment on blogs that aren’t their own; if the comment is something they have an answer for or are interested to discuss, then they should go for it. I think it’s great if discussions spring from that.

Is it okay to have an opposed/conflicting opinion with another blogger and voice this on their blog in comments?

I haven’t had any hugely conflicting opinions with any other blogger I believe except maybe about books we don’t feel the same about? But almost every blogger I’ve met has been polite about saying they don’t like a book I like. But I do believe that since we’re all humans, we DEFINITELY have different opinions than others and that’s just natural! It’s all the different opinions that makes a person and discussing different opinions is so interesting and helps us see stuff from another’s point of view.
So yeah, I think it’s definitely okay to disagree with other bloggers as long as you don’t fight over it. Everyone has the right to have their own opinion.
Like Di said, it is a tough one. And as much as it’s great to have everyone agreeing and gushing over each other, I think it’s important that people share their honest opinions as well. Especially if it’s a discussion post. That’s what they’re meant for! And your voice is important - no matter what your view.
But I do think it’s important to be tactful and polite about it - agree to disagree, but don’t be nasty. I’ve disagreed with bloggers before on posts, but I’ve never done it spitefully and I hope it never came across that way.
Overall, I think you should feel able to disagree, but always be polite and generous about it. Don’t attack the blogger and don’t bash the post.

To see my answers make sure to visit the other collab posts!
We hope you’ve enjoyed our discussion post! Please talk to us and let us know YOUR answers below. What do you think of our responses? If you have any specific questions you’d like us to address in the future, please let us know in the comments section below. Stay tuned for next week’s questions!