Weekly Round Up #40 : The One Where it's the end of July
Here's my weekly roundup. I'm linking to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer and #IMWAYR hosted by Kathryn at the Book Date.
Please leave a link to your blog (if you have one) in your comment or make sure your Disqus profile has your address so that I can visit you back!
I try to link all book covers to Goodreads or to my review (if there is one) which is in turn linked to Goodreads.
I try to link all book covers to Goodreads or to my review (if there is one) which is in turn linked to Goodreads.
It's the end of July already and this week will see the beginning of August. It's cliche - but where the heck is the year going?
I managed to get through quite a lot of catch up on my blog this past week which was nice. I had so many blogs to visit and comments to reply to that I felt swamped but getting it done felt soooo good! There's still a few blogs that I'm behind on and people I want to visit but I am hoping to feel on top of that this coming week and I may even be able to schedule a few posts in advance which would be super organised of me.
I also managed to finish three books this week which is an amazing reading week for me. Unfortunately one of them wasn't a great read for me but the other two were four stars each. It's definitely helped me get back on top of my reading pile and ARC list but I still need to be super careful about requests since I desperately want to keep going through my backlist! I can't NOT continue with the Shades of Magic series after that first book. :)
What I read last week:
Blood and Stars was a great continuation of the series.
Bonecaller unfortunately just wasn't for me although I really wanted to love it. I'll leave a review on GR but I won't be reviewing that one for my blog.
A Darker Shade of Magic was amazing - why haven't I read these books yet?
What I am currently reading:
Up Next:

I'm excited for my review copy of Prisoner of Ice and Snow and You Don't Know My Name will be a buddy read with my #Squad
New Arrivals:
In Case You Missed It:

And that's my week! How did yours go?