The Wrap Up: June Edition

Welcome to my monthly wrap-up! I hope that you've had a great month.
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I try to link all book covers to Goodreads or to my review (if there is one) which is in turn linked to Goodreads.
Well, that's officially half the year finished already. Who can believe that? I'm still in a bit of shock. I think everyone is just so busy these days that we make time fly even faster. Do you find that? The busier you are the faster your days go?
I had a good month in most things - I managed to catch up a little on my blogging although I haven't done any over the past week... I am still deep in the throes of 'bookstagram' and still loving it. I just adore the community along with the amazing photos. While there is some crossover with bloggers there I've also found a whole new circle of people and because I just adore talking about books and bookish things - well, I'm pretty much in my happy place between my blog and my bookstgram. :D
I also managed to watch not one but TWO movies at the cinema with the hubby! We went for Jurassic World 2 and Oceans 8 - both of which I loved although for different reasons obviously. Have you seen either of these? What did you think?
What I read:
I'm actually pretty pleased with my numbers for June - it's been my best month this year so far and I've caught up a little on my reading goals so hopefully July will be good too and I'll be on track!
I finished my re-read of the Steel and Stone series (still love it, perhaps even more than the first read) and I managed to get through 2 ARCs and I reread Mask of Shadows to reacquaint myself with the world before I picked up the sequel, Ruin of Stars.
What I am currently reading:
I'm about a third of the way through Ruin of Stars so far but my buddy read of The Cruel Prince is on hold for now. Hopefully we'll be able to resume soon.Up Next:

I cannot wait to dive into any of these. I received copies of To Kill a Kingdom and These Rebel Waves and both are extremely exciting for me. Sirens and swashbuckling adventures? I'm totally there.
Falling Kingdoms has been on my TBR forEVER and I've been threatening to read it for ages. I have heard so many amazing things about this series so I cannot WAIT to sink into this world and hopefully not reemerge until I'm done with a good number of these books!
New Arrivals:
A huge thank-you to Jonathan Ball Publishers for sending me a copy of To Kill A Kingdom. I'm ridiculously excited about it.Reading Progress:
The dashed green line is the % if books I need to hit to meet my reading goal of currently 80 books in the year. The solid green line is my actual read. As you can see I've been behind a little most of the year but I hope to sort that out this month. Here's hoping!
I did an awful lot of rereading in June - a favourite series and also an old ARC reread so that I could prepare for the sequel. Hopefully I'll even the ratio of new reads vs. rereads in July also although I have PLENTY of rereads lined up for the rest of the year. For starters I need to reread all of the Throne of Glass series so that I'm ready for the release of Kingdom of Ash. Eeep. #terrified #excited Anyone else hanging out and also terrified and excited for the final book in that series? PLEASE SARAH BE NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How was your month? Did you hit your reading goals? Did anything noteworthy happen?
Talk to me in the comments below!