The Blog Squad: A Blogger Collaboration - Part XVI
We are a group of three book bloggers situated on different continents but brought together by our love for books and a penchant for talking about them. We’ve joined our forces to create a collaborative series of posts about book blogging and we hope you’ll enjoy the discussions.
What is your favourite type of blog post to do and why?
Another favorite type of post for me are my Writing Posts. So far I’ve done only 2 and currently working on the third but man I ABSOLUTELY LOVE talking about writing. I love talking about various writing techniques i follow and I enjoy sharing my ideas with you guys!
I love doing every post I publish on my blog! Which is good, because otherwise: why am I blogging that?!
But my favourite post to write is probably a movie review. I love movies, and since starting the blog I’ve learnt so much about looking at them analytically and noticing things I never would have thought of before. If I hadn’t started A Magical World of Words, I might never have decided to review films, and I’m so grateful I’ve got the opportunity to share my thoughts, learn to analyse sensibly (I hope! It’s still a work-in-progress…*sighs*) and hear what others think of the films.
So apart from that, I’m not quite sure what is about about movies that makes me love to review them. But I think it’s probably to do with actors and actresses - I’m a tad celebrity obsessed, and it’s almost always the actors who draw me to the film. I love talking about them ;)
AND, like Uma, I love doing writing posts too!! I haven’t done many, but hopefully I’ll get to do more in the future :)
Do you do any sort of wrap up post on your blog and what do you include?
I used to do Monthly Wrap up posts but haven’t for many months now. When things got hectic with college and stuff, I had to cut back on some things. Unfortunately wrap up posts were one of those things. Now that I’ve started blogging steadily again, I’ve decided to do Monthly Wrap up posts from July onwards.
When I start doing wrap up posts, I plan to include a comprehensive list of the reviews and discussion posts I’ve done that month, interesting bookish posts I’ve read that month from across the blogosphere and also some life updates. I realize I ONLY talk about bookish stuff in my blog and I’d like to change that a bit.
I do two main wrap-up posts: weekly round-ups, and monthly wrap-ups. One of the reasons I do both is so I can keep things organised for myself, and keep myself on track.
Weekly Round-Ups are simple wrap-ups summarising my week and what I read, watched, did, etc. Monthly Wrap-Ups summarise the entire past month, and include links to every post and review I’ve done. These posts can help readers to find posts or reviews I’ve done that they might be interested in, and it helps keep me more organised as well.
Do you do any web analytics on your blog?
Okay so I learned a lot about Google Web Analytics from Di’s answer today and I might start using them in the future!
Currently I only look at the Stats provided by Blogger. I mostly look at traffic sources and referring URLs to get an idea of where my readers are coming from and where I should promote my blog more!
To be honest, I don’t really look at my stats. I occasionally check the default ones Blogger provides, but that’s it. Those are just the basics: pageviews per post per week or month or day, basic traffic sources, etc etc.
Maybe I should look at them more in-depth, but for now I don’t really mind whether I’ve got so many views or where they’re coming from.
To see my answers make sure to visit the other collab posts!
We hope you’ve enjoyed our discussion post! Please talk to us and let us know YOUR answers below. What do you think of our responses? If you have any specific questions you’d like us to address in the future, please let us know in the comments section below. Stay tuned for next week’s questions!