It's Monday! What Are You Reading? Monday 12th September

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It's a weekly meme hosted by Kathryn at the Book Date and is a great chance to interact and of course to add to your TBR list (because it's never long enough!).
Okay - So I failed to do one weekly round-up last week but I'm home now and in a much better place blogging-wise!
This has been a really strange reading week for me - I've just been struggling to get into anything and having received Empire of Storms on pre-order I really thought I would just dive into that and only come up for air at the end! I've actually kind of put that one on hold pending a re-read of the entire series because I think that's just what I need to enjoy it as much as I possibly can, so Throne of Glass here I come!
This week has mainly consisted of me getting a few snatches of reading time where I read Outlander and spending a LOT of time watching the US Open. It also hasn't helped that whatever spare time I've had in the daylight hours has been devoted to my daughter's new pony and horse riding.
What I read:
All of these reviews are done and posted so at least I managed to stay up to date somewhat! Even if the reading has been slow.
My favourite by far was the Amanda Bouchet - I loved this new Epic Fantasy world and even though this was categorised as an Adult Fantasy I think it would easily suit a New Adult or mature Young Adult reader. A really good read.
The Glittering Court was a bit of a disappointment after seeing Mead and Fantasy on the same novel I expected something completely different.
What I am currently reading:
My current reads shelf looks like this:

But Empire of Storms is being placed on hold while I first get through:

Up next:

Thank goodness the US Open is finished now and I'll hopefully have some more time to bury my nose in a book!
How does your round-up look this week? What are you reading?
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