It's Monday! What Are You Reading? Monday 29th August

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a place to meet up and share what you have been, are and about to be reading over the week. It's a weekly meme hosted by Kathryn at the Book Date and is a great chance to interact and of course to add to your TBR list (because it's never long enough!).
Oops! Late again to the Monday round up! I blame travelling overseas with a two year old! Everything is suffering - my reading, my sleep schedule, my reviewing and obviously my blogging! Sorry for that. Not long now and I'll be back to my normal schedule.
What I read last week:
I managed to get through the Epic Reads #ReadingDecathlon (ten in ten!) by reading a number of short stories and Novellas.
My final count was
Novels : 3
Novellettes/Novellas : 2
Short Stories : 5
Total read - 10!!!
I haven't managed to finish the reviews - I'm still left with These Dark Wings but I'll try to complete it and post this week.
What I am currently reading:
I'm about halfway through Elora of Stone and I'm still plodding along with Outlander which I'm really enjoying at the moment so I hope to be able to find more time to read it, although I still have a number of ARCs to get through and I like to concentrate on those.
Up next:

I've been excited about this one since I saw Alyssa's Review over at The Eater of Books and I saw it available on Netgalley and couldn't help myself but to press Request and it wasn't long before I was reading an acceptance email! I'll be reading this one ASAP both to get the review out as soon as I can and because I'm just really looking forward to reading this one.
Falling Kingdoms is one from deep in my TBR pile that I keep telling myself I will read. I've actually checked it out of the library twice now and still haven't got to it! But I;m promising myself this time will be the one and I am going to pick it up!
What are you reading this week?
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